Sunday, November 4, 2018

USA Tours | India to USA | My Trip Begins | "USA Trip" In Hindi | Step By Step

USA Tours | This video is about my first trip to the USA from India. After watching this, you will get to know about the flights I took from India to USA. Also, I have shared the experience I had at the Abu Dhabi AIrport and Rome Airport. I travelled on Jet Airways from Delhi to Abu Dhabi and Etihad Airlines from Abu Dhabi to Rome. After that, I took Al Italia Airlines from Rome to reach Boston's Logan Airport in the USA. I will share more information about how to get cheap flights from India to America and details on how to get the US visa from India. If you have any other query feel free to ask at - (It may not be possible for me to answer every question here, but other group members, travelers, and travel experts can help you)

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